jfroffice CV

Aix en Provence, France


I’m passionate about open web standards. I definitely love elegant & efficient web development and I am always looking to find new ways to improve processes. International community NodeJS leads me to study new means of developing website. Front-end web development as back-end web development are part of my skills. Last but not the least, I enjoy building beautiful and efficient user experience with data meaning visualization.

I also like educating other developers on best practices.

Ten year ago, I co-founded ProSVN, hosting source control solution, which is built and manage to reduce administration effort. I am also the creator and the administrator of a few websites.

Work experience

  1. 2017–Present

    Altair Lead developer front-end

    Build front-end app dealing with multiple Cloud Provider (AWS, Oracle, GCP, Azure, Huawei, AliCloud...) using cutting edge technologies. (React, React-Native, Reanimated, PostCSS, CSS, Vite, WebPack, ESLint, TSLint, TS, Jest, GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Node, GitLab, CI, VR Testing) Take part of the roadmap with PO and UX Team for involving new decision (Figma, Sketch)

  2. 2014–2017

    Softway Medical solution Architect, Front-end & Back-end engineer

    Developing solution to broadcast diagnostic results on the Cloud.

  3. 2007–2014

    co-founder of ProSVN - collaborative source control hosting solution

    Subversion & Trac deployment solution

  4. 2007–2008

    Waid, solution architect for RIS / PACS

    Picture archiving and communication system (DICOM)

  5. 2002–2006

    Fuji-Medical, product lead on CR & MG workstation • EyePix

    specialized in film Radiology production and in computed aided diagnostic for mammography

  6. 2001–2002

    RealViz, software & research Engineer • ReTimer

    Optical flow, 2D Tracking, topology change, local minimization, multi-threading Programming


  1. 2004–2007

    Project Management (skills for success), Software Quality assurance and test, Object and Unified Process, Java programming

    Learning Tree

  2. 1998–2001

    Advanced Engineering School specialized in Electronic & Optical Processes

    Master in Computer Science in Signal and Image Processing at Polytech Orleans University

  3. 1996-1998

    Science Program to prepare entry to French Engineering Schools

    Advanced Mathematics & Physics at Cergy-Pontoise University

Technical skills

Front-end web development

I have a broad understanding of the full Open Web Stack of technologies, including:

Selected side-projects

  1. 2021

    Mobil app to improve apnea performance

  2. 2020

    Mobil app to manage scuba diving event using React-Native

  3. Mid 2018

    Tool to analyze Github projects trends and detect new emerging technologies.

  4. Till 2014

    Work on Scuba Diving Database and tool to handle event, equipment, ...

  5. Web-component inspiration with DOM Mutation Observers.

  6. November 2014

    Work on x-enterleave.js - HTML attribute to add CSS (enter / leave) classes.

    Web-component inspiration with DOM Mutation Observers.

  7. October 2014

    Work on Transformicons Animated symbols and buttons packaged for Sass & CSS

    Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.

  8. April 2012

    Work on CardDAV API to allow get CardDAV information from JS client

    built and manage DaviCal server.

  9. Fev 2012

    Report bugs on Modernizr - Geolocation causes memory leak in IE9

    detect HTML5 and CSS3 features.

  10. Jan 2012

    Contribute to Cloud9 Ide - Development IDE on the cloud.

    add support to FreeBSD community.

  11. Dec 2011

    Translate Idiomatic.js to broad french JS community.

    JavaScript Best Practices community leading project.

  12. Nov 2011

    Create HTML5 File Upload API to allow multiple file upload with progress notification.

    use File API HTML5 Specification.

A lot more of my open source web applications and libraries can be found in my Github account.


Professional interests

front-end web development, responsive design, web usability & accessibility, graphic design, user interface design, API design, technical writing, back-end web development, source control
